What have we found
In the table below you can find all the selenoproteins and sleneoprotein's machinery we have found in Callopanchax toddi genome by aligment to Dario reiro known selenoproteins extracted from selenoDB. The results shown are predictions based on a program made by ourselfs which you can colsult here. For a more detailed explanation and interpretation of this results go to Discussion.
- There is a more or less nice result for the specific query and you can consult it by cliking on the image. A file will be downloded on your computer.
- The item have not been found, meaning we do not have conclusive results for the specific query. Sorry about that.
- Protein: Name of the protein analized
- Species: Nearest reference specie from C.toddi used for the alingment
- Residue: Whether the protein conteins Sec (selencystein) or Cys (cystein) in the reference specie
- Scaffold: ID of the scaffold in which the protein has been found in C.toddi's genome
- Gene Location: Exact location of the scaffold within C.toddi's genome
- Query: Here you can download the protein sequence from D.rerio used to aligne with C.todd's genome
- Tblastn: Results of the comparision of the protein query sequence to a nucleotide sequence which will be translated in all 6 frames to allow protein to protein comparisons.
- Gene in .gff: C.toddi's gene sequence where the quey protein should be located
- Protein prediction: The prediction of the C.toddi's protein sequence made by our program based on the quey given
- T-coffee: Alingment between the query from D.rerio and the protein prediction from C.toddi
- Seblastian: Results obtained from a selenoprotein prediction server.
- SECIS candidate: SECIS sequences predicted by Seblastian