Prediction and analysis of selenoproteins genes:
evolution among insects







    The central dogma of the coding abc have changed from the discovery of the 21st aminoacid, selenocysteine (Sec or U), coding from UGA codon, usually stop codon. Bioinformatics have emerged as a powerful tool for the study of this coding bias. The genome analysis programs available before this discovery were proned to incorrect annotation of sequences containing UGA codons in-frame. It has been necessary the development of new programs that recognized in-frame TGA code words as Sec in selenoprotein genes.

    There have been identified selenoproteins from archea to eukarya, except in land plants and yeast. The observation of a type of proteins that incorporate selenium suggested the important role of selenium in cell metabolism and alimentation. The lack of selenium on the diet it has been related to prostate cancer and other diseases. Selenium is a trace element that has been associated with cell-proliferation, cancer, development and aging. This element occurs in animals primarly in selenoproteins. It could be important in the study of the antioxidant cell function and redox balance. The selenocystein is placed in the catalytic domain, suggesting its important role for the function of protein. It has been reported in mammals that mutations on some of the 25 selenoproteins described lead to different disease. The number of selenoproteins differs depending on the taxonomic level, for example 3 in Drosophila

    Selenoproteins are mainly RED-OX enzymes,such as glutathion peroxidase, thioredoxin reductase and thyroid hormone deiodinases, and most of them are enzymes of their own production machinery. The synthesis in eukaryotes is partially elucidated, but the knownledgement of selenoproteins in Drosophila. is not yet completed.

    In eukaryotes this family of proteins are characterized for the SECIS element (selenocystein insertion sequence), an mRNA motif placed in 3'UTR allowing translational readthrough as selenocysteine. The SECIS-binding protein (SBP2) recognizes the SECIS element for insertion of Sec into protein. Furthermore, a second factor, the specific Sec elongation protein (EFsec), recognizes Sec-tRNA[Ser]Sec, and the resulting complex between EFsec-Sec-tRNA-SBP2 governs the donation of Sec to the nascent selenopeptide in response to UGA codon. A nucleotid pattern sequence is conserved, but not the secondary structure, that shows some degree of diversity between species.


Nowadays we have been able to identify three selenoprotein genes three selenoprotein genes in Drosophila melanogaster:

One of the aims of this project is to predict the characterized selenoproteins of Drosophila melanogaster in other insecta species.

Other point of interest is to investigate in the homologue proteins if selenocysteine is conserved along the species or if it is replaced by cysteine. It remains unknown the evolution pattern of cysteine and selenocysteine in this family of proteins.

We expect to find all three homologues on other drosophilas due to the taxonomic similarity, but not all of them on species further as Anopheles, Aedes and Apis. Those also found in these species could indicated the importance of these proteins.

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Using the commands

formatdb and blastall
and creating the text file

Some of the target sequences are long contigs or even more, a whole shotgun containing whole chromosomes due to the incomplete sequencing of these genomes. In order to select the target sequence desired we export the program from persy server.
. That program is useful to cut sequences from a fasta input calling the following command:


  • Hits selection:

        Acording to our goal of studying the evolution of selenoproteins two different matches are interesting for us: Sec (U) - Sec (U) and Sec (U) - Cys (C). In order to asure the correct matches we performed a handmade selection, instead of write down an script (we heard about the hard experience of other groups trying to write an script to read BLAST output and get the sequences). Another criteria is the e-value obtained in BLAST, that we considered valid between 1e-05 and ~0. We also discart those blast matches with a low score. We defined this rank after testing these sequences at Exonerate program and obtain empty outputs.

  • Gene Prediction

    Using the command line version of programs from Persy server
    export PATH=$PATH:/disc8/bin

    We first thought to use Genewise. We were stopped because the program has only two models of prediction far from insecta: worm and human. That led to an error on the output (no hits found). Then, we choose an equivalent program, Exonerate (version 0.8.2), that combines protein alignment to the genome and the prediction of the gene structure with the best score in both strands based on Hidden Markov Models statistics. In order to obtain an informative and pretty output we designed the following command:

    exonerate -q protfilename -t DNAfilename -m protein2genome -W 3 --showtargetgff yes

    • -q: query (fasta format)
    • -t: target (fasta format)
    • -m: model
        protein2genome: The query sequences were the characterized Drosophila melanogaster protein blasted to a target DNA sequence.
    • -w: Indicates the wordlength for protein words. By default it reads 6 by 6.
    • showtargetgff: show also the output in gff format.

  • Looking for SECIS:

    As we said before, Exonerate predict the 'exon-intron' structure in both strands. Some of our outputs could be predicted on the negative strand. With those we need a pretreatment in order to get the complementary strand from the target sequence. That treatment will be useful to search the SECIS element directly, obtaining the specific nucleotides on the target sequence (strand -) instead of the nucleotide positions on the father sequence. We wrote down a command for the shell terminal to translate the target sequence to the reverse and complementary strand (-):

    FastaToTbl | rev | perl -lane '$F[0] =~ tr/ACGT/TGCA/; print "$F[1]\t$F[0]"' | TblToFasta

    • FastaToTbl: program that transform fasta format into table format of two columns, one for the sequence ID and the other one containing the nucleotide sequence in one line.
    • rev: reverse function: shown the sequence 3'-5' (and also the sequence ID).
    • perl -lane: instead of writting an script we wrote a command line using perl language. Each letter is refered to a perl command:
      • l: enable line ending processing
      • a: autosplit mode, combined with -n or -p (split $_ into @F)
      • n: assume while(<>) {..}
      • e: one line of program, omiting programfile
    • $F[0] =~ tr/ACGT/TGCA/; print "$F[1]\t$F[0]": transliteration that permit to get the complementary sequence.
    • TblToFasta: from table format to fasta format.

    The search of possible SECIS elements was performed using one of SECISearch moduls PATSCAN. That program identify candidate of SECIS estructure from a nucleotide sequence (DNA) based on the conserved motifs. It also predict the secondary structure of SECIS. A more accureted approach could be done using Viena RNA package that combines the previous information with the free energy of the structure resulting in a more complete prediction.

  • Selection of valid SECIS

    First we search SECIS under default conditions (motif ATGA) and after that, if we didn't get any results we tried the option canonical and non-canonical. We only took as useful those located in the 3'UTR, far from the last exon roughly 1000 nucleotides.

  • Other programs used:

    • We got two particulary sequences that remind pseudogenes due to the absence of introns and the alignment of the whole protein. By means of two different tools, such as ClustalW and Blast2seq we could be able to elucidate if it is a candidate of pseudogene.

    • Vulgar to GFF:
      Program create by the authors of this project and, of course, the helpful work of Josep Abril. The version of Exonerate do not implement a correct GFF if the prediction includes an split codon on the exon. This program try to solve this error, reading out vulgar output and converting it to GFF format.
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    After running the programs needed for the analyse we show the results following this structure:

    1. - Name of organism
    2. - E-value (score) tBLASTn
    3. - Link to ALIGNMENT
    4. - Link to GFF format
    5. - SECIS picture (only those placed in the valid rank)(See Methodolgy).

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    In order to analyse the evolutive differences of selenoproteins on Drosophila genus we used the programs explained previously. Despite they were useful tools to observe the fingerprint of evolution, we got several problems during the work that had to be solved to asure reliable results.

    The first trouble was the incomplete sequencing of insecta genomes. Actually a lot of research projects in Bioinformatics are focused on that issue. For our project it has been so helpful the web site DroSpeGe. It includes a BLAST option link to almost all partially sequenced Drosophila genomes. After running tBLASTn against all species, we did not get any hits for D. sechellia, D. willistoni, D. persimilis, D.grimshawi. We were a little bit shocked, because we got in the same analyses hits for almost all other species. Surprisingly we found out that there was no data underneath these genomes.

    Another problem that we found along our way was the incorrect implementation of GFF output due to the split codon We designed a program vulgar2gff able to read the vulgar output and write GFF format with the correct nucleotide annotation. While we tried to set up the program and no results were obtained, we decided to change manually the annotation. Those presented on the results are the correct ones.

    In tBLASTn output we obtained some hits with U-cys matches and e-value around e-10/-15, but exonerate could not predict any gene structure from those.

    Primarly our study was not only focused on Drosophila species, but also other insecta such asApis mellifera, Aedes aegypti, Anopheles gambiae In the results we only showed Anopheles gambiae because for the other organisms we could not find any hits (under our hit selection criteria) or the hits found could not generate a prediction using Exonerate. We also discart some short alignments that could be random.

    We discuss our results using two different criteria: one is the phylogenetic relationship between Drosophila trying to find out if selenoproteins could help drawing a more likely phylogenetic tree. And the other one, the differences on the protein sequence and gene structure among species that can lead to an accurated characteritzation of this gene, analysing the most conserved motifs and the 'exon-intron' structure. We start by following the selenoproteins evolution across Drosophila species. First of all we generated a prediction of each protein using Exonerate with D.melanogaster protein query and target genome. This output could work as guide for the validation of the predicted genes as homologous of the proteins.

    • Drosophila yakuba
      This specie is the nearest to D.melanogaster and that is reflected on the complete alignment for the three proteins. The raw score from Exonerate is so high and almost the same as D.melanogaster in all three proteins analysed. The intronic structure shows is almost exactly, only dselM shows tiny differences on the length of the second intron. No gaps were found on the alignments, only on the polyglycine tail of dselG. That does not involved the functionality of that protein. SECIS element was predicted with a high score on the three proteins
    • Drosophila simulans
      We found hit (U-TGA) on the three proteins, but the alignment is not as good as Yakuba (lower scores). For example, the tail of DselG formed from one exon, was well aligned but it includes two stop codons before the U-TGA match. That fact invalidate the alignment and also leads us to suspect that exonerate can not predict correctly gene structures from proteins with special characteristics such as polyglycine tail, as show in DselG. We predicted the complete structure of dselM and dsps2 and no gaps were observed. The introns length are the same as those predicted in D.melanogaster. SECIS element was not found for DselM protein.
    • Drosophila erecta
      Only dsps2 and DselM were predicted. Both show deletions on the DNA sequence, dselM (42 nucleotides) and dsps2 (9 nucleotides). They also have shorter introns related to D.melanogaster. Here we could notice the decrease of the raw score. The prediction of dsps2 is interrumped because of the end of the contig. By the same problem, we were not able to look for SECIS element, even though we try to join the consecutives contigs.
    • Drosophila ananassae
      The three gene structures has been predicted, but with a lower score, in some cases two times lower than D.melanogaster (e.g. DselM 384 vs 1182). The length of introns is double than D.melanogaster. In DselM alignment we observed a shorter protein predicted, due to an stop codon at 193 aminoacid position. However the SECIS element predicted was placed at 8621 nucleotide, the end of stop codon. That could be explain by two hipothesis: is not an homologous protein, or it is a new selenoprotein that could not be predicted using DselM as model on Exonerate.
    • Drosophila pseudoobscura
      Only dselM and dsps2 could be predicted. We observed an strange structure on dsps2: two different annotations for the same hit with no intronic sequence. That appeals us beacause the prediction on the other Drosophila show four defined exons. We decide to analyse if this structure could be pseudogen, by comparing the DNA sequence of pseudoobscura and yakuba (CLUSTALW and BLAST2seq) to know if there was upstream and downstream (500bp) conservation and also around the U-TGA match. We found that it was no conservation or not good enough, thus we can conclude that is a pseudogen. Result. DselM prediction shows a truncated protein of 124 aminoacids instead of 249 (D.mel). We first asure if there was an stop codon after the 124th aminoacid. We saw next codon as codificant, but not the following (126). That result agrees to the far distance between D.pseudoobscura and D.melanogaster and is also supported by the robust SECIS found 200bp downstream on the 3'UTR.
    • Drosophila mojavensis
      Only DselM and Dsps2 genes were predicted, but not as well as the others. The raw score is not significative (276 vs 1182 in Dsps2 and 1136 vs 1836 in DselM). The difficulty of alignment it is caused by the long distance between these species. The DselM predicted is show until the 116th aminoacid, but that does not indicate that the protein is truncated. No stop codon was found and neither SECIS element. With these results we conclude that the hit found was not correct or the annotation and sequencing incomplete. Further studies can solve this problem. Dsps2 is predicted complete, with poor alignment, long introns and no high conservation around U-TGA match. Also several gaps can be found. However, the SECIS search show one hit 14bp downstream.
    • Drosophila virilis
      DselG is not predicted. Analysing DselM alignment we could notice that the prediction is not correct for different reasons: shorter protein sequence aligned (128 versus 249), no stop codon at the end of the alignment (300bp further), gaps on DNA sequence and protein sequence too, low raw score and no SECIS found. On the other hand, Dsps2 alignment show the same gene structure but differs on the conservation of selenocysteine region, the intron length (four times) and some gaps more. The prediction of dsps2 gene and SECIS element is quite correct and valid acording to our criteria.
    • Anopheles gambiae
      Anopheles is the farest insecta that we got results. Only Dsps2 prediction shows significative results. Otherwise an odd stop codon appears after the first intron, and an intron of 18260bp is predicted. Analysing the sequence around we found that the donor and acceptor splicing sites were not well predicted by exonerate. Probably it is the prediction with higher score, but not the most related to the protein. This hipotesis is reforced by the SECIS element aprox. 100bp further and the stop codon between them. DselM alignment could be random.

      We continue studying each protein, their presence along the genus and the differences observed in the domains.

    • Dsps2
      Dsps2 is the most conserved protein of the proteins analysed. That agrees to the function of that protein, tool of machinery for selenium shyntesis. The presence of that protein could be indicator of the existance of other selenoproteins. An example of that is D.yakuba and D.simulans compared to D.melanogaster: D.yakuba, despite the phylogenetic distance, show better raw score and closer gene structure than D.simulans.
    • DselM
      On that protein we expect more variability and we observed more clear the phylogenetic differences because it is: a long sequence, under smaller selective pressure (longer introns, more gaps, etc) and without any aminoacidic repetition.
    • DselG
      The proteic sequence is not well characterised and contains a polyglycine tail that interfere with gene prediction programs. Because of that we only found hits in Drosophilas closer to D.melanogaster.


    • Despite the alignments are not so good the conservation around U-TGA match is so high.

    • The raw score from exonerate is a good indicator of phylogenetic distance of these species.

    • The most conservated domains could take part of new selenoproteins, but the gene prediction program is limited for the query protein sequence.
    • More studies using different programs should be perfomed. A good aproximation could be the analyse with Gene_id version that reads TGA as non stop codon, or also using multiple alignment with other selenoproteins of distant organism to see if that domain is equivalent on other protein already described.

    • On DselM we only see conservation on the catalytic domain. The rest of the sequence (background) could help for the secondary structure of the protein, the folding or interactions. It remains unclear if it is essential its conservation for the protein function.

    • Nothing could be said about selenocysteine and cysteine bias, because hits U-cys were not correct predicted on Exonerate.

    • This study could help to shed light the phylogenetic relationship between insecta based on the wonderful world of selenoproteins. Also we must know that we are only suggesting genes candidates to selenoproteins, but we know the hard work of generate accurated predictions and distinguish the false positives of thsese studies.

    • This study should be completed with the prediction using other programs and a deeper analyse of homologies.

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    Castellano, S. et al. Reconsidering the evolution of eukaryotic selenoproteins: a novel nonmammalian family with scattered phylogenetic distribution. EMBO Rep. 2004;5(1): 71-77.

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    Martin-Romero FJ.,Kryukov GV, et al. Selenium metabolism in drosophila:selenoproteins, selenoprotein mRNA expression, fertility and mortality. J Biol Chem. 2001;276(32):29798-804.

    Hirosawa-Takamori M, Jackle H, et al. The class 2 selenophosphate synthetase gene of drosophila contains a functional mammalian-type SECIS. EMBO Rep.2000;1(5):441-6.






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