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We would like to thank our tutor, Diego Garrido, for his help and patience throughout the development of this project. Also, we would like to thank Aida because, despite tutoring a different group, she has helped us solving some struggles during the last weeks. In addition, we would like to thank our lecture teachers for providing the theoretical background that was necessary to carry out this project. Also to the teachers of the practical lessons, who helped us to apply all this knowledge to develop the assignment.
A very special thanks to all of our classmates who, with their support and comprehension, has made this journey much lighter. Also for all the hours spent in the class discussing and sharing ideas, which helped us to enlarge our vision of the project and made us saw things from different points of views.
Finally, we would like to congratulate us for being comprehensive and patient with each other, thus providing an optimal work environment to develop this bioinformatics project.