Abstract Introducció Materials i Mètodes Resultats Discussió Bibliografia

  • Bibliografia
  • Articles de PUBMED:

    1. Laura Conforti , Andrea Tarlton, Till G.A. Mack, Weiqian Mi, E. Anne Buckmaster, Diana Wagner, V. Hugh Perry , and Michael P. Coleman. A Ufd2/D4Cole1e chimeric protein and overexpression of Rbp7 in the slow Wallerian degeneration (WldS) mouse . PNAS . October 10, 2000 . vol. 97 . no. 21 | 11377-11382.

    2. Mack TG, Reiner M, Beirowski B, Mi W, Emanuelli M, Wagner D, Thomson D, Gilligwater T, Court F, Conforti L, Fernando FS, Tarlton A, Andressen C, Addicks K, Magni G, Ribchester RR, Perry VH, Coleman MP. Wallerian degeneration of injured axons and synapses is delayed by a Ube4b/Nmnat chimeric gene. Published on line: 19 November 2001

    3. H. Jia, T. Yan, Y. Feng, C. Zeng, X. Shi, Q. Zhai. Identification of a critical site in Wlds: Essential for Nmnat enzyme activity and axon-protective function.  Neuroscience Letters,Volume 413,Issue 1,Pages 46-51 . Received 10 October 2006; revised 10 November 2006; accepted 14 November 2006.Available online 15 December 2006.

    4. Conforti L, Fang G, Beirowski B, Wang MS, Sorci L, Asress S, Adalbert R, Silva A, Bridge K, Huang XP, Magni G, Glass JD, Coleman MP. NAD(+) and axon degeneration revisited: Nmnat1 cannot substitute for Wld(S) to delay Wallerian degeneration.

    5. Jing Wang, Qiwei Zhai, Ying Chen, Estelle Lin, Wei Gu, Michael W. McBurney,and Zhigang He. A local mechanism mediates NAD-dependent protection of axon degeneration. © The Rockefeller University Press, 0021-9525 $8.00 JCB, Volume 170, Number 3, 349-355. Published online 25 July 2005. doi:10.1083/jcb.200504028

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