Anarrhichthys ocellatus, commonly known as wolf-eel, is a fish that lives in warm waters in the Pacific Ocean. It reaches a maximum size of 2.5m and live in shallow water. It is gray, with a large head and dark spots over it back. Its alimentation consists on crabs, urchins and shellfish, which it can bite do to its strong jaw. Wolf-eels mate for life, and the pair takes care of the eggs as they develop.
Currently, wolf-eel populations are stable as they are not targeted by fishermen. Wolf-eels can be kept around if their rocky reef habitat is in good condition.
You can find more information about this species and its taxonomy in its wikipedia page.
Its selenoproteins have never been predicted so we have developed a program in order to find them. In this website you will find instructions on how the program was developed as well as the program itself and the discussion of the results acquired.
In order to find the possible selenoproteins we have used different programs. You can find more information in our methodology section but here are the most relevant ones:
The BLAST (Basic Local Alignment Search Tool) program is able to perform local alignment comparing our query and the reference genome. Since the query is given in a proteic sequence we first have to transform it into nucleotidic sequence before comparing it to the refernece gneome, that's why we used the variant tBLASTn.
Exonerate extracts the predicted gene for our genomic region of interest.
T-coffe is able to create global alignment between our initial query and the predicted protein for Anarrhichthys ocellatus.
In order to see what prediction was the closest one to Zebra fish and this way assess the predicitons, was used. The inputs submitted were multifasta files with the query and the predicted sequences.
Seblastian was used to predict selenoproteins and secis elements. It uses SECISSearch3 in order to erform an in silico SECIS element search.