Introduction Goals Methodology Programs Results Conclusions References Authors Acknowledgements


First of all, we would like to start with our respective families and friends, without their help, comprehension and support of whom is unimaginable having traveled through this long journey. Thanks for understanding that we could not have spend as much time as we wanted lately and for being always with us. For your love and friendship, thank you very much.

We must mention our classmates, among which to Marta C. and Bea A. for helping us with programming, to Jesús and Marta F. because nobody better than them knows what has supposed this project, to Francesc and Lluís (what hackers we are!) for the moments of connecting us to tmatik and thunderbird, to "Girona clan" for the spent hours in the bioinformatic classroom and in the dining room that there have been more amusing, to Helena and Ester for their enthusiasm, encouragement and some afternoon snacks, to Mariona and Míriam for listening us and sharing our problems and to other classmates that we can forget them.

Sorry for talking about us. Since the first course we have shared practices and hours of work, but this project has reached the maximum hours that we could have never imagined. We find necessary to thank each other for all we have lived together during these last days, not only stress, worries and nerves, but also smiles, advice and confidences. It has been great working together!!!

Finally, this project would not be possible without the guidance of Bioinformatic teachers for all the knowledge learned, and to Charles Chapple and Eduardo Eyras for all the solved doubts. And specially, to Robert Castelo, our supervisor, for his unconditional support and for never say never (e-mails, visits, practices even being ill,..). Thank you very much for your help and dedicated hours, for your examples and advice, for your calm and encouragement, for making the most difficult things easier and also, for changing our addiction to sodoku for next table, for trying to seek in all possible ways an "spectacular" computational achievement to implement our program, for causing us tremble with fear each time that you mentioned: "one thing that I thought referred to your project is that.." and thank you for having always the door opened for any question.