Home ~ Intro ~ Project ~ Script ~ Results ~ Conclusions ~ Links SNPs distribution in genes
Last Update: 21 March 2002

  1. Script Explanation
  2. Differences In Our Script
  3. Annex


First of all, as the program consumes a lot of memory, it is better to split the origin data files intro chromosome specific ones. To do it the commands used from the shell are:

  1. bash$ gawk '{ print $0 > "chroms/"$1".gff" }' refseq.gff

  2. bash$ gawk '{ print $0 > "snps/"$2".txt" }' snpNih.txt

  3. bash$ ls -1 chroms/chr* | \

            perl -ne 'm/^.*chr(.*)\.gff$/o && print "$1\n";' > chrlist.tbl

  4. bash$ cat chrlist.tbl | while read chr ;

            do {

            if [ -e snps/chr${chr}.txt -a -e chroms/chr${chr}.gff ];


            echo "### Executing Localitzador at chromosome: $chr" 1>&2 ;

            ../localitzador snps/chr${chr}.txt chroms/chr${chr}.gff \

            > output/chr${chr}.tbl 2> output/chr${chr}.err ;


            echo "### ERROR!!! Check files of chromosome: $chr" 1>&2 ;


            } ;

            done ;

A complete readme-file is also avalaible.

To run the program you should type at the shell:

   bash$ localitzador snps.txt exon.gff > snp_seq.tbl 2> snp_seq.err

The body of the program consists of 8 routines that drive the flow of the program. If you want you can see at first the complete version of the program.

We will explain all of them in the successive steps.

1) parse_argvs

It verifies that the number of arguments at the first command-line is correct.

2) read_snps

First of all it checks that the file referred by the first argument can be openned.

Afterwards it reads the SNPs file and counts the number of lines, storing it in a temporal vector (@f). Then it stores in a hash called %SNP{$snpchr} the fields number 2, 3, 4 and 5 of the line that is being read. This fields are:

This is a simple hash and its key is the number of chromosome.

3) read_seqs

It works in an analogous way like the last routine, but it checks the file referred by the second argument. Besides, the hash called %COORD{$chr}{$geneid} has an additional key that identificates the gene. Its structure, thereby, it is more complicated. This hash also has another fields:

4) sort_snps

At the @chr vector there are stored all the chromosomes read in the %SNP and this allows that with only one reference each vector in the hash can be accessed.

sub sort_snps() {

    my @chr = keys %SNPS;

    my $i = 0;


    while ($i < scalar(@chr)) {

        my $ary = \@{ $SNPS{$chr[$i]} };

        print STDERR "# Chromosome $chr[$i] : sorting ".

        scalar(@{ $ary })." SNPs...\n";

With the "map" function we may sort the acceptor and donor sites (stored as $snpstart and $snpend) from larger to smaller (indicated by "a" and "b") without creating a new hash, it just modifies the existing one (@{$ary} here). Then we assign to the mapping result the third position of the map vector ([2]).

    if (scalar(@{ $ary }) == 1) { $i = $i + 1; next; };

        @{ $ary } = map { $_->[2] }

                          sort { $a->[0] <=> $b->[0] # ordenem per acceptor


                                  $a->[1] <=> $b->[1] } # ordenem per donor

                          map { [ $_->[0], $_->[1], $_ ] } @{ $ary };

        $i = $i + 1;



5) sort_seqs

It follows the same path but we need a previous step to access to the inner part of the data structure.

sub sort_seqs() {

    my @chr = keys %COORDS;

    my $i = 0;


    while ($i < scalar(@chr)) {

        my $ary = \%{ $COORDS{$chr[$i]} };

        my @gen = keys %{ $ary };

        my $j = 0;

        print STDERR "# Chromosome $chr[$i] : sorting ".

        scalar(@gen)." genes...\n";

             while ($j < scalar(@gen)) {

             my $arry = \@{ $ary->{$gen[$j]} };

                   if (scalar(@{ $arry }) == 1) { $j = $j + 1; next; };

                   @{ $arry } = map { $_->[2] }

                                    sort { $a->[0] <=> $b->[0] # ordenem per acceptor


                                           $a->[1] <=> $b->[1] } # ordenem per donor

                                    map { [ $_->[0], $_->[1], $_ ] } @{ $arry };

                              $j = $j + 1;


                $i = $i + 1;



6) analyze_data

To analyze this data we have to point at the variable of interest in the hash %COORDS and we use different alias (like $ary, $arry...) to refer each position.

sub analyze_data() {

    my @chr = keys %COORDS;

    my $i = 0;


    while ($i < scalar(@chr)) {

      my $ary = \%{ $COORDS{$chr[$i]} };

      my @gen = keys %{ $ary };

      my $j = 0;

      my $chrid = $chr[$i];

      my $c = 0;

      print STDERR "# Analyzing chromosome $chrid (";

      scalar(@gen)." genes)\n";

      while ($j < scalar(@gen)) {

          my $arry = \@{ $ary->{$gen[$j]} };

          my $k = 0;

          my $genid = $gen[$j];

          my $exon_num = scalar(@{ $arry });

          while ($k < $exon_num) {

                my ($ex_ini,$ex_end);


                $ex_ini = $arry->[$k][0];

                $ex_end = $arry->[$k][1];

Then we use another routine, called checkcoords in order to calculate boxes that define three situations:

  1. Single exon

    if ($exon_num == 1) {




  2. Intron

    if ($k > 0) {

    &checkcoords($chrid,$genid,($arry->[$k-1][1] + $donor_len),

                                             ($ex_ini - $acceptor_len),'intron');

  3. Two subcases:
    • Intern exon
    • First or Last exon: because we do not want to calculate irreal acceptor sites in the first exon of a gene or donors in the last exon.

    if ($k == 0) { # check first exon


                                             ($ex_end - $donor_len),'exon');

    &checkcoords($chrid,$genid,($ex_end - $donor_len),

                                             ($ex_end + $donor_len),'donor');

           } elsif ($k == ($exon_num - 1)) { # check last exon

           &checkcoords($chrid,$genid,($ex_ini + $acceptor_len),


           &checkcoords($chrid,$genid,($ex_ini - $acceptor_len),

                                                     ($ex_ini + $acceptor_len),'acceptor');

    } else { # check internal exon

    &checkcoords($chrid,$genid,($ex_ini + $acceptor_len),

                                             ($ex_end - $donor_len),'exon');

    &checkcoords($chrid,$genid,($ex_ini - $acceptor_len),

                                             ($ex_ini + $acceptor_len),'acceptor');

    &checkcoords($chrid,$genid,($ex_end - $donor_len),

                                             ($ex_end + $donor_len),'donor');

    }; # if first/last/internal

    $k = $k + 1;

    }; # while $k

        $j = $j + 1;

        }; # while $j


        print STDERR "# Chromosome $chrid done: ".scalar(@gen).

                             " genes - $c exons were checked...\n";

    $i = $i + 1;

    }; # while $i

    } # read_seqs

As you can see &checkcoords needs some parameters:

This routine gives back the number and identity of the SNPs that has found in the box being checked. To do it, firstly it compares start and end of the box and it only works, obviously, if the beginning is smaller than the end. If this cheking is passed it reviews all the SNPs stored before under the alias $ary: