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In search of selenoproteins in the world's smallest mammal

-Craseonycteris thonglongyai-


We are a group of five students in our last year of the Human Biology bachelor degree from Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona. The development of this web page is the result of our final project in Bioinformatics course. Please feel free to contact us via e-mail if you have any doubts about this work.

We would like to thank our tutors and the teachers of the course for the provided help.

Avatar Núria Sánchez González // nuria.sanchez10@estudiant.upf.edu

Avatar Pol Pérez Novis // pol.perez03@estudiant.upf.edu

Avatar Berta Sabariego Puigvila // berta.sabariego01@estudiant.upf.edu

Avatar Mariona Vidal Picamoles // mariona.vidal02@estudiant.upf.edu

Avatar Ainoa Tejedera Villafranca // ainoa.tejedera01@estudiant.upf.edu