
Scanner gives the user different using options:

  1. -h: to receive information about the usage of the program. Type 1 after "-h" for information in Spanish, 2 for Catalan, 3 for English. This option must be followed by a number.
  2. -v: to receive information about the program status while it's running.
  3. -m: to receive information about the matrix/es name, dimensions and consensus sequence.
  4. -s: to receive information about the sequence/s name, length, G+C.


The input files must follow some basic structural requierements.

Examples of sequences on FASTA format:
>name of seq 1
>name of seq 2
>name of seq 3

Examples of matrixes on compatible format:
# TATA box
01 61 145 152 31 S
02 16 46 18 309 T
03 352 0 2 35 A
04 3 10 2 374 T
05 354 0 5 30 A
06 268 0 0 121 A
07 360 3 20 6 A
08 222 2 44 121 W
09 155 44 157 33 R
10 56 135 150 48 N
11 83 147 128 31 N
12 82 127 128 52 N
13 82 118 128 61 N
14 68 107 139 75 N
15 77 101 140 71 N
# GC box
01 102 40 50 82 N
02 97 31 112 34 R
03 50 6 154 64 G
04 67 1 206 0 G
05 0 0 274 0 G
06 2 0 272 0 G
07 54 170 0 50 C
08 46 1 224 3 G
09 1 3 222 48 G
10 79 0 171 24 G
11 23 17 192 42 G
12 0 166 35 73 C
13 20 86 52 116 K
14 40 24 109 101 K

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Programming details.

This program allows you to identify binding sites of transcriptional factors using weight matrixes.

There are some options that the user should read before using it.
You must download it!
You must install it in a OS compatible with PERL.

But, how does it work? There are several steps:

Fig.2: Scheme showing the SCANNER working process. For more details follow numbers on the text.

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By: Guiomar Solanas & Alex Vendrell. Universitat Pompeu Fabra, March 2002.
For further information... Send an e-mail to the authors.