Hemagglutinin-esterase is a family of proteins that we can find in some viruses. These viruses are from two families: The Coronaviridae family and one member of Orthomixoviridae family, the Influenza C.



When we had all the sequences aligned with ClustalW, we constructed an evolution tree using Phylip, a program for evolution tree construction. We made a bootstrap analysis with Neighbor-joining and Maximum-parsimony trees; we ran 1000 trees, and we made a consens for each kind of analysis.



We realize a maximum-likelihood tree as well. For this, we use the Tree-puzzle 5.0 program, which we prepare to ran with Linux, using the following commands:




*  We download the program from its webpage


*  To decompress it:

                 tar –zxvf tree-puzzle-5.0.tar.gz


*  We go inside the directory that had been made at decompress the program

                 cd tree-puzzle-5.0


*  To complile it, we use GNU gcc compiler.

                 sh ./configure --prefix=/name/of/the/wanted/directory/


                 make install


*  Now, we executed the program




With this program we couldn’t make a bootstrap analysis, so we don’t have a consens tree, but the tree and its study, are in the same page than the consens trees.