Command line: [exonerate -m p2g --showtargetgff --exhaustive yes -q danio.fa -t genome_selh_owc_subseq.fa] Hostname: [localhost.localdomain] C4 Alignment: ------------ Query: D.rerio Target: supercontig_1.12:subseq(834258,50000) of Capsaspora owczarzaki ATCC 30864:[revcomp] Model: protein2genome:local Raw score: 186 Query range: 30 -> 125 Target range: 25576 -> 24999 31 : AspLysAspGluGluThrGlyLeuArgValValIleGluHis{Cy} >>>> Target : 45 |||||| ! ..! !||||||||| !!|||||||||!..{||} 94 AspLysLysProArgLeuGlyLeuArgPheValIleGluArg{Cy}++ 25576 : GACAAGAAACCTCGGCTGGGGTTGCGCTTTGTGATTGAACGA{TG}gt............ : 25530 46 : Intron 1 >>>> {s}LysSerUnkArgValTyrGlyArgAsnAlaValValValArg : 59 bp {|}!!.||| |||..!|||!.! !...||| !! !:!!||| ++{s}AsnSer***ArgThrTyrAlaSerArgAlaAsnGlyLeuArg 25529 :{C}AATTCCTGACGAACGTACGCGTCGCGGGCCAACGGGCTGCGC : 25398 60 : GluAlaLeuAlaAsp >>>> Target Intron 2 >>>> SerHisProGluLeuL : 70 !!:.!!||| !!!: 88 bp :!! !|||!!: !: AspThrLeuGlnGlu++ ++AlaPheProAspAlaG 25397 : GACACACTTCAGGAGgt.........................agGCTTTCCCGGATGCTG : 25277 71 : ysValMetIleAsnProHisAsnProArgArgAsnSerPheGluIleThrLeuMetAspG : 90 !!:!!:!:|||||||||:!!!!.|||||||||..!||||||||| !|||:!!..! | luIleLeuIleAsnProAsnLysProArgArgGlySerPheGluCysThrMetGlnLeuG 25276 : AAATTCTCATCAATCCGAACAAACCGCGACGTGGCAGCTTTGAGTGCACAATGCAGCTGG : 25217 91 : lyGluArg{A} >>>> Target Intron 3 >>>> {la}AspValLeuTrpSerG : 99 ||! !{!} 110 bp { !}...:!!:!!|||!!!| lyGlyAla{G}++ ++{lu}SerLeuValTrpThrG 25216 : GCGGCGCA{G}{AA}TCGCTTGTGTGGACTG : 25080 100 : lyIleLysLysGlyProProArgLysLeuLysPheProGluProAlaGluValValThrA : 119 ||:!!|||:::||||||||||||!!. !|||||||||!!: !|||:!!:!!|||.!!! lyValLysArgGlyProProArgAsnAspLysPheProAspGlyAlaLysLeuValAlaA 25079 : GCGTCAAGCGCGGACCGCCGCGCAACGACAAGTTCCCGGACGGCGCCAAGCTGGTCGCGG : 25020 120 : laLeuLysGlnAlaLeuGlu : 125 !:!!:::||| !:!!:!! spIleArgGlnLeuIleGln 25019 : ACATTCGCCAGCTCATACAG : 25000 vulgar: D.rerio 30 125 . supercontig_1.12:subseq(834258,50000) 25576 24999 - 186 M 14 42 S 0 2 5 0 2 I 0 90 3 0 2 S 1 1 M 19 57 5 0 2 I 0 84 3 0 2 M 28 84 S 0 1 5 0 2 I 0 106 3 0 2 S 1 2 M 32 96 # --- START OF GFF DUMP --- # # ##gff-version 2 ##source-version exonerate:protein2genome:local 2.2.0 ##date 2011-03-17 ##type DNA # # # seqname source feature start end score strand frame attributes # supercontig_1.12:subseq(834258,50000) exonerate:protein2genome:local gene 25000 25576 186 - . gene_id 1 ; sequence D.rerio ; gene_orientation + supercontig_1.12:subseq(834258,50000) exonerate:protein2genome:local cds 25533 25576 . - . supercontig_1.12:subseq(834258,50000) exonerate:protein2genome:local exon 25533 25576 . - . insertions 0 ; deletions 0 supercontig_1.12:subseq(834258,50000) exonerate:protein2genome:local splice5 25531 25532 . - . intron_id 1 ; splice_site "GT" supercontig_1.12:subseq(834258,50000) exonerate:protein2genome:local intron 25439 25532 . - . intron_id 1 supercontig_1.12:subseq(834258,50000) exonerate:protein2genome:local splice3 25439 25440 . - . intron_id 0 ; splice_site "AG" supercontig_1.12:subseq(834258,50000) exonerate:protein2genome:local cds 25381 25438 . - . supercontig_1.12:subseq(834258,50000) exonerate:protein2genome:local exon 25381 25438 . - . insertions 0 ; deletions 0 supercontig_1.12:subseq(834258,50000) exonerate:protein2genome:local splice5 25379 25380 . - . intron_id 2 ; splice_site "GT" supercontig_1.12:subseq(834258,50000) exonerate:protein2genome:local intron 25293 25380 . - . intron_id 2 supercontig_1.12:subseq(834258,50000) exonerate:protein2genome:local splice3 25293 25294 . - . intron_id 1 ; splice_site "AG" supercontig_1.12:subseq(834258,50000) exonerate:protein2genome:local cds 25208 25292 . - . supercontig_1.12:subseq(834258,50000) exonerate:protein2genome:local exon 25208 25292 . - . insertions 0 ; deletions 0 supercontig_1.12:subseq(834258,50000) exonerate:protein2genome:local splice5 25206 25207 . - . intron_id 3 ; splice_site "GT" supercontig_1.12:subseq(834258,50000) exonerate:protein2genome:local intron 25098 25207 . - . intron_id 3 supercontig_1.12:subseq(834258,50000) exonerate:protein2genome:local splice3 25098 25099 . - . intron_id 2 ; splice_site "AG" supercontig_1.12:subseq(834258,50000) exonerate:protein2genome:local cds 25000 25097 . - . supercontig_1.12:subseq(834258,50000) exonerate:protein2genome:local exon 25000 25097 . - . insertions 0 ; deletions 0 supercontig_1.12:subseq(834258,50000) exonerate:protein2genome:local similarity 25000 25576 186 - . alignment_id 1 ; Query D.rerio ; Align 25577 31 42 ; Align 25438 46 57 ; Align 25293 65 84 ; Align 25096 94 96 # --- END OF GFF DUMP --- # -- completed exonerate analysis