file name: repeat.seq
sequences:            1
total length:    275000 bp  (275000 bp excl N-runs)
GC level:         41.69 %
bases masked:    107737 bp ( 39.18 %)
               number of      length   percentage
               elements*    occupied  of sequence
SINEs:              262        61910 bp    22.51 %
      ALUs          210        53956 bp    19.62 %
      MIRs           52         7954 bp     2.89 %

LINEs:               74        30412 bp    11.06 %
      LINE1          43        20650 bp     7.51 %
      LINE2          29         9337 bp     3.40 %
      L3/CR1          2          425 bp     0.15 %

LTR elements:        16         6683 bp     2.43 %
      MaLRs           8         3276 bp     1.19 %
      ERVL            4         1476 bp     0.54 %
      ERV_classI      4         1931 bp     0.70 %
      ERV_classII     0            0 bp     0.00 %

DNA elements:        23         5030 bp     1.83 %
      MER1_type      14         3209 bp     1.17 %
      MER2_type       6         1542 bp     0.56 %

Unclassified:         0            0 bp     0.00 %

Total interspersed repeats:   104035 bp    37.83 %

Small RNA:            1           90 bp     0.03 %

Satellites:           0            0 bp     0.00 %
Simple repeats:      40         2210 bp     0.80 %
Low complexity:      37         1444 bp     0.53 %

* most repeats fragmented by insertions or deletions
  have been counted as one element

The sequence(s) were assumed to be of primate origin.
RepeatMasker version 2002/07/13 , quick mode
run with cross_match version 0.990329
RepBase / RepeatMasker database versions unknown