#!/usr/bin/perl # # # $Id: SECISearch.pl,v 1.5 2004/04/16 12:37:30 cchapple Exp cchapple $ # ############################################################################ ## ## ## This script was originally developed by Gregory Kryukov and has been ## ## modified by Charles Chapple (cchapple@imim.es). ## ## ## ## ## ## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ## ## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ## ## the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ## ## (at your option) any later version. ## ## ## ## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ## ## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ## ## GNU General Public License for more details. ## ## ## ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ## ## along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ## ## Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. ## ############################################################################ ########################################################################### use strict; use Getopt::Std; use File::Copy; ################################################################# ## Define locations of external programs ## ################################################################# my $scan1GB = "/usr/local/molbio/bin/scan_for_matches"; # "/home/ug/cchapple/bin/scan_1GB"; my $RNAfold = "/usr/local/molbio/bin/RNAfold"; #/home/ug/cchapple/bin/RNAfold13"; my $ghostvw = "/usr/bin/gs"; my $bdir = "/home/ug/cchapple/share/SECISearch"; ################################################################# ## Get cmd-line options and declare some variables ## ################################################################# my %opts; getopts('p:f:e:o:RHITPYOBSGhvtgsndcilx',\%opts) || do { print "Invalid option, try 'SECISearch -h' for more information\n"; exit(1); }; ### Input Options my $file = $ARGV[0]; # sequence file my $pat = $opts{p}; # -p specifies the pattern for scan_for_matches my %e1 = (pat_standard_I_II => -10, pat_non_standard_I_II => -10, pat_twilight_I_II => -10); my %e2 = (pat_standard_I_II => -17, pat_non_standard_I_II => -17, pat_twilight_I_II => -17); ### Scanning Options my $c; # -c scan_for_matches will scan complementary strand my $Y_flag = 1; # S,Y,O,B are filters for specific SECIS features my $O_flag = 1; # my $B_flag = 1; # my $S_flag = 1; # if ($opts{Y}){$Y_flag = 0} if ($opts{O}){$O_flag = 0} if ($opts{B}){$B_flag = 0} if ($opts{S}){$S_flag = 0} ### Output Options my $I = $opts{I} || 0; # -I : bypass the imager2 function my $P = $opts{P} || 0; # -P : bypass scan_for_matches my $H = $opts{H} || 0; # -H : produce HTML output my $v = $opts{v} || 0; # Verbose my $t = $opts{t} || 0; # Return .hits my $en = $opts{n} || 0; # Don't unlink energy param file my $T = $opts{T} || 0; # Print no of SECIS found my $g = $opts{g} || 0; # Produce gff output my $s = $opts{s} || 0; # Do not return .secis my $R = $opts{R} || 0; # Don't run RNAfold my $output = $opts{o} || 'fs'; # what is printed at the STDOUT my $geneid = $opts{G} || undef; my $h = $opts{h} || 0; # cry for help my $debug = $opts{d} || 0; # run with debugging info my $badens = $opts{l} || 0; # print energies which did not pass in the logfile my $log = $opts{x} || 0; # create the secislog logfile my $cmpltry = 1; if($opts{c}) {$cmpltry = 0};# search conmplimentary strand by default $log = 1 if $badens; $g = 1 if $geneid; ################################################################# ## Define some global variables ## ################################################################# my $dir = $ENV{PWD} || './'; # get name of current directory my $filename; my $patname; my $pngdir; my $e1; my $e2; my $totalhits = 0; my $units; my $unit8; my $lastunit; my $unit7; my $pngdirexists = 0; #################################################################### ## Define Variables ## #################################################################### my ($alpha, $beta, $ci, $cmd, $curpair, $currentseq, $currentstruct, $energy, $fontsize, $fonttype, $fullstructen, $gam, $hn, $index, $j, $k, $n, $name, $offx, $offy, $outfilename, $pi, $posbase1, $posbase2, $r, $rotangle, $scale, $start, $stop, $structmod, $substruct, $upstemen, $x1, $x2, $xcenter, $xf, $xstart, $xstop, $y1, $y2, $ycenter, $yf, $ystart, $ystop, $i); my (@_a, @bold, @circle, @comment, @fullstructen, @left, @name, @nonbold, @pairof, @parts, @png, @seq, @start, @stop, @texta, @upstemen, @x, @xf, @xlocal, @xnew, @y, @yf, @ylocal, @ynew); my @a = (); my @b = (); ############################## ########################################################################################### ############### Core program START ################# ########################################################################################### &usage(); &debug("usage finished\n"); &get_params(); &debug("get_param finished\n"); &prepare_ground(); &debug("prepare_ground finished\n"); &scan_for_matches(); &debug("scan_for_matches finished\n"); &skip_rnafold() if $R; &patscan_hits() if $t; &debug("skip_rnafold finished\n"); &thermodynamic_eval(); &debug("thermodynamic_eval finished\n"); ########################################################################################### ############### Core program END ################# ########################################################################################### &debug("main loop finished"); &secis_output() unless ($s); &debug("secis_output finished\n"); &standard_out(); &debug("standard_out finished\n"); &unlink_en(); &debug("unlink_en finished\n"); &HTML_output(); &debug("HTML_output finished\n"); &clean_up(); &debug("clean_up finished\n"); exit(0); ########################################################################################### ############### Program END ################# ########################################################################################### ############################################################################################ ################ FUNCTIONS ################## ############################################################################################ #################################################################### ## Collect necessary variables and parameters ## #################################################################### sub get_params { ### Really, really crude and ugly way to allow input seq from STDIN ### unless ($ARGV[0]) { my @inputseq = ; open (INFILE,">$dir/inseq.fa"); print INFILE "@inputseq"; close(INFILE); $file = "inseq.fa"; } ### Get user defined pattern or use default one if ($opts{p}) { if ($opts{p} eq 'n') ### non-standard { $pat = "$bdir/pat_non_standard_I_II"; } elsif ($opts{p} eq 's') ### standard { $pat = "$bdir/pat_standard_I_II"; } elsif ($opts{p} eq 't') ### The twilight zone { $pat = "$bdir/pat_twilight_I_II"; } elsif (-r "$pat") { $pat = $pat; } elsif ($opts{p} !~ /\//) { $pat = "$bdir/$opts{p}"; } elsif ($opts{p} =~ /\//) { $pat = "$opts{p}" } } else { unless ($opts{P}) { print STDERR "*** no pattern specified, or specified pattern not found, using default pattern ***\n"; $pat = "$bdir/pat_standard_I_II"; } } ### Juggle variable names around to accomodate directory structure if ($file =~ m/\//) #m/\/((\w*?)|(\w*?\..*?))$/) { $file =~ m/\/([^\/]*)$/g; #m/(\w*?\.*\w*?\.*)$/g; $filename = $1; } else { $filename = $file; } if ($pat =~ m/\/((\w*)|(\w*\.\w*))$/g) { $patname = $1; } else { $patname = $pat; } if ($opts{P}) ### Get patname for output filenames if not running scan_for_matches { $patname = $1 if $file =~ /(pat.*?)\./o; $patname = 'nopat' if $file !~ /(pat.*?)\./o; print "\$patname is $patname\n"; } if ($patname =~ 'pat_standard_I_II') { $patname = 'std'} elsif ($patname =~ 'pat_non_standard_I_II'){$patname = 'non_std'} elsif ($patname =~ 'pat_twilight_I_II'){$patname = 'twil'} else {$patname = $patname} ### Allow for user-defined energy cutoff values # if ($opts{e}){$e1 = $opts{e};} else {$e1 = $e1{$patname} || -10} Old energy for core if ($opts{e}){$e2 = $opts{e};} else {$e2 = $e2{$patname} || -16} ### Have scan_for_matches search complementary strand if ($cmpltry){$c = '-c';} ### Print pretty debugging information &debug("##################"); &debug("\$dir is $dir"); &debug( "\$filename is $filename"); &debug( "\$file is $file"); # &debug( "\$e1 is $e1"); &debug( "\$e2 is $e2"); &debug( "\$pat is $pat"); &debug( "\$patname is $patname"); &debug( "\$log is $log"); # &debug( "\$ is $"); # &debug( "\$ is $"); # &debug( "\$ is $"); &debug("##################\n"); ### Print pretty log information if ($log){ open (LOG, ">>secislog"); my $date = localtime; print LOG"##################\n"; print LOG "$date\n\$filename : $filename\nenergy cutoff : $e2\n\$pat : $pat\n\$patname : $patname\n"; print LOG "##################\n"; } } ################################################################## ## Delete files from a possible previous instance ## ################################################################## sub prepare_ground { unlink("$dir/$filename\.$patname\.gff"); unlink("$dir/$filename\.$patname\.en"); } ################################################################## ## Running scan_for_matches with choosen pattern ## ################################################################## sub scan_for_matches { if ($P == 0) { if ($v || $debug) { print STDERR "*** running scan_for_matches, please wait...\n"; } &debug("### PatScan Command: $scan1GB $c $pat < $file > $dir/$filename\.$patname\.hit ###\n"); system("$scan1GB $c $pat < $file > $dir/$filename\.$patname\.hit") || die "cannot run scan_for_matches: $!"; ### Check that at least one hit was found if (-z "$dir/$filename\.$patname\.hit") { unlink("$dir/$filename\.$patname\.hit"); ### if empty, remove patscan hits file. die("*** Sorry, no matching sequences found. You may want to try another pattern ***\n"); } open (HITS, "$dir/$filename\.$patname\.hit") || die "can't open $filename\.$patname\.hit: $!"; } else { if ($v) { print STDERR "*** ignoring scan_for_matches\n"; } open (HITS, "$file") || die "can't open $file: $!"; } } #################################################################### ## Ignore RNAfold ## #################################################################### sub skip_rnafold { open (PWP, "$file\.$patname\.hit"); while () { if (/^>/) { print; } else { s/(\w)\s(\w)/$1$2/g; print; } } if ($v) { print STDERR "\n*** WARNING: These sequences have NOT been evaluated thermodynamically\n\n"; } &debug("patscan_hits finished\n"); if ($v) { open (HITS, "$dir/$filename\.$patname\.hit")|| die "can't open $dir/$filename\.$patname\.hit: $!"; while (){ print STDOUT} close(HITS); } &unlink_en(); &debug("unlink_en finished\n"); &HTML_output(); &debug("HTML_output finished\n"); &clean_up(); &debug("cleanup finished\n"); exit(); } ###################################################################################################### ## Evaluate hits thermodynamically ## ###################################################################################################### sub thermodynamic_eval { if ($v || $debug) { print STDERR "*** scan_for_matches finished, evaluating hits thermodynamically...\n"; } my $seqname; my $sequence_counter = 0; while () { &debug("#$.# $_"); my @param; next if /^\s*$/o; /^>(.*)/o && do { $seqname = $1; ($name, $start, $stop) = split /\:\[|\,|\]/, $_; next; }; @b=(); tr/Tt/Uu/; @a=split /\s+/o, $_; s/\w/./g for @b=@a; $b[3]='x(((('; $b[5]='xx'; $units = @a; $lastunit = $units -1; &debug("************************\n"); &debug("units: $units\n"); &debug("\n@a\n"); &debug("\@a[$units - 4]\n"); &debug("************************\n"); ### Get unit numbers. May change depending on pattern if ($units == 12) { $unit8 = 8; $unit7 = 7; } else # ($units == (16 || 15 || 14)) { $unit8 = $units -4; $unit7 = $units -5; } ### if (length ($a[$unit8]) == 4) { $b[$unit8]='))))' } elsif (length ($a[$unit8]) == 5) { $b[$unit8]='.))))'} else { print STDOUT "When not running patscan, the input file must be the output of a previous patscan session. Otherwise, SECISearch encounters problems with the length of the sequence : " ; print STDOUT "length($a[8]) : " . length($a[8]) . " should be 4 or 5\n@a\n@b\n"; die(); } $substruct = join("",@b); ### Pep's usefull debuggging options &debug($substruct); my $o=scalar( $substruct =~ s/\(/\/og ); &debug("$substruct :: $o == $e ? ".($o == $e ? "YES":"NO")."\n"); ### unless ($R) { if (($fullstructen = &energy(0..$lastunit))<=$e2 && structure_OK()) { ### Old energy stuff ($upstemen = energy(3..$unit8)) <=$e1& $totalhits++; open (EN ,">>$dir/$filename\.$patname\.en")|| die "can't open $dir/$filename\.$patname\.en: $!"; if ($start>$stop) { print EN ">$seqname [$stop - $start] (SECIS on complementary strand) - Free Energy: $fullstructen\n$currentseq\n$currentstruct\n"; } else { print EN ">$seqname [$start - $stop] - Free Energy: $fullstructen\n$currentseq\n$currentstruct\n"; } close(EN); ### # my $ja = join("",@b); # open (STR,">>$dir/structs"); # print STR "$seq\n$struct\n$ja\n*\n"; # close (STR); ### push @param, $currentseq; push @param, $currentstruct; push @param, 15; push @param, "\"$seqname".".png\""; push @param, 170; push @param, 250; push @param, length (join "", @a[0..2])+1; push @param, length (join "", @a[0..2])+4; push @param, (length (join "", @a[0..2]))..((length (join "", @a[0..2]))+4); push @param, (length (join "", @a[0..4]))..((length (join "", @a[0..4]))+1); if (length ($a[$unit8]) == 4) { push @param, (length (join "", @a[0..$unit7]))..((length (join "", @a[0..$unit7]))+3); } else { push @param, (length (join "", @a[0..$unit7])+1)..((length (join "", @a[0..$unit7]))+4); } &gff_output(); ### In the absence of I, run through the imager2 function unless($I) { imager2(@param); push @texta, [ @a ]; push @name, $name; push @start, $start; push @stop, $stop; push @png, "$seqname".".png"; push @comment, $start>$stop ? "(SECIS on complementary strand)" : ""; # push @upstemen, $upstemen; push @fullstructen, $fullstructen; } ###display progress if ($v) { $sequence_counter++; print STDERR "."; print STDERR "[$sequence_counter]\n" if $sequence_counter % 100 ==0; } &debug("*"); } else {print LOG ">$seqname [$start - $stop] - Free Energy $fullstructen\n$currentseq\n$currentstruct\n" if $badens && $log;} &debug(":"); } &debug("."); } ### Die if no stable structures if ($totalhits == 0) { print STDERR "\n*** Sorry, no stable structures were found. You may want to try a different energy threshold (-e).\n"; exit(); } } #################################################################### ## Run input file through RNAfold ## #################################################################### sub energy { if (($R) && ($v)) { print "Ignoring RNAfold\n"; } else { &debug("### CALC ENERGY..."); open(TMP, ">$dir/$$\_en"); print TMP ">$$\n", @a[@_], "\n", @b[@_], "\n"; close(TMP); $cmd = "$RNAfold -C < $dir/$$\_en "; &debug("### RNAfold command is $cmd ###\n"); open(CMD,"$cmd |"); @_a = ; close(CMD); my $line=""; foreach my $la (@_a) { $line = $line.$la; } (my $namee , $currentseq , $currentstruct , $energy)=split(/\n|\s\(/,$line); chomp $energy; chop $energy; unlink ("$dir/$$\_en"); unlink ("$$\_ss.ps"); &debug("### CALC ENERGY DONE..."); &debug ("energy is $energy\n"); return $energy; } } #################################################################### ## SECIS-specific structural features ## #################################################################### sub structure_OK { &debug("### CALC STRUCTURE..."); my $fout=1; my $substruct=substr($currentstruct, length( join '', @a[0..3]), length( join '', @a[4..$unit7], (length ($a[$unit8]) == 4) ? () : substr($a[$unit8], 0, 1) )) ; my $j=$currentstruct; my $p=scalar( $j =~ s/\(/\/og ); ($p == $w) || return 0; #Y-filter removes Y-shaped SECISes if ( ($substruct =~ /\)\.*\(/) && $Y_flag) { $fout=0;} #O-filter removes SECISes with more than 2 unparied nucleotides in a row on any strand in the first 7nt from the quartet my $porog=7; if ( (substr($substruct, 0, $porog) =~ /\.{3,}/ || substr($substruct, -$porog)=~ /\.{3,}/ ) && $O_flag) { $fout=0;} #B-filter removes SECISes that have 2 or more unpaired nt more on 5' side than on 3' side (visually bended to the left) ($substruct =~ /(.*)(\(\.*\))(.*)/); my $up=$1; my $down=$3; if (((($up =~ s/\./\./g)-($down =~ s/\./\./g)) < (-2)) && $B_flag) { $fout=0;} #S-filter removes structures with less that 8 pairs if ((( $substruct =~ tr/\)/\)/ ) < 8 ) && $S_flag ) { $fout=0;} &debug("STRUCTURE finished: $fout"); return $fout; } ############################################################################################### ################ START imager2 ################ ############################################################################################### sub imager2 { &debug("### DRAWING STRUCTURE"); @bold=(); (my $seq, my $struct, $scale, $outfilename, $offx, $offy, $posbase1, $posbase2, @bold)=@_; @x=(); @xnew=(); @ynew=(); @y=(); @seq=(); @xf=(); @yf=(); $pi=3.1415926; $a=$scale; $fontsize=$a; $fonttype='Courier'; $seq=' '.$seq.' '; $structmod="(".$struct.")"; @seq=split '', $seq; $x[0]=0; $y[0]=0; $x[$#seq]=$x[0]+$a; $y[$#seq]=$y[0]; @pairof=pairof_from_brackets($structmod); # print STDERR "\$structmod is \n$structmod\n $struct\n"; die(); @parts=(0); while (@parts) { drawpart(pop @parts) }; pop @x; pop @y; pop @seq; shift @x; shift @y; shift @seq; @pairof=pairof_from_brackets($struct); position_picture($posbase1, $posbase2, $offx, $offy); psoutput(); ########################################################################################## sub pairof_from_brackets { &debug("#F# PAIROF FROM BRACKETS\n"); my @pairof; my $str = shift; $str =~ s/\s+//og; my @struct=split "", $str; for my $i (0..$#struct) { if ($struct[$i] eq '.') { $pairof[$i]=-1 } elsif ($struct[$i] eq '(') {push @left, $i} elsif ($struct[$i] eq ')') {my $k=pop @left; $pairof[$k]=$i; $pairof[$i]=$k;} else {die "error: unrecognized symbol \"$struct[$i]\" in structure"} } return @pairof; } #################################---BEGIN drawpart---################################################ sub drawpart { &debug("#F# DRAW PART"); $i=$_[0]; $j=$pairof[$i]; $k=1; @circle=(); @xlocal=(); @ylocal=(); $xlocal[$i]=0; $ylocal[$i]=0; while ($pairof[$i+$k]==($j-$k)) { $xlocal[$i+$k]=0; $ylocal[$i+$k]=$a*$k; ($x[$i+$k], $y[$i+$k])=globalized($xlocal[$i+$k],$ylocal[$i+$k]); $xlocal[$j-$k]=$a; $ylocal[$j-$k]=$a*$k; ($x[$j-$k], $y[$j-$k])=globalized($xlocal[$j-$k],$ylocal[$j-$k]); $k++; } for ($n=$i+$k; $n<=$j-$k; $n++) { if ($pairof[$n]!=(-1)) { my $ho = join("",@b); push @parts, $n; push @circle, $n; $n=$pairof[$n]; next if ($pairof[$n] == 0); } push @circle, $n; } $alpha=2*$pi/(2+@circle); $r=$a/(2*sin($alpha/2)); $xcenter=$xlocal[$i+$k-1]+$r*sin($alpha/2); $ycenter=$ylocal[$i+$k-1]+$r*cos($alpha/2); for $ci (0..$#circle) { $beta=(3/2)*($pi-$alpha)-$alpha*$ci; $xlocal[$circle[$ci]]=$xcenter+$r*cos($beta); $ylocal[$circle[$ci]]=$ycenter+$r*sin($beta); ($x[$circle[$ci]], $y[$circle[$ci]])=globalized($xlocal[$circle[$ci]], $ylocal[$circle[$ci]]); } ########################## sub globalized { &debug("#F# GLOBALIZED"); my $xl=$_[0]; my $yl=$_[1]; $rotangle=atan2( $y[$j]-$y[$i], $x[$j]-$x[$i] ); my $xg=sqrt( $xl**2+$yl**2 )*cos( atan2($yl, $xl)+$rotangle)+$x[$i]; my $yg=sqrt( $xl**2+$yl**2 )*sin( atan2($yl, $xl)+$rotangle)+$y[$i]; return ($xg, $yg); } ########################## } ###############################---END drawpart---################################################ sub position_picture { &debug("#F# POSITION PICTURE"); my ($base1, $base2, $xbase1offset, $ybase1offset) = @_; my $alpha=3.1415926/2-atan2 ($y[$base2]-$y[$base1], $x[$base2]-$x[$base1]) ; for $j (0..$#x) { $xnew[$j]=$x[$j]-$x[$base1]; $ynew[$j]=$y[$j]-$y[$base1]; ($xnew[$j], $ynew[$j])= (sqrt($xnew[$j]**2+$ynew[$j]**2)*cos( atan2($ynew[$j],$xnew[$j])+$alpha),sqrt($xnew[$j]**2+$ynew[$j]**2)*sin( atan2($ynew[$j],$xnew[$j])+$alpha)); $xnew[$j]+=$xbase1offset; $ynew[$j]+=$ybase1offset; } @x=@xnew; @y=@ynew; } #################################################################################### sub psoutput { ### Create png directory unless ($I || $pngdirexists) { mkdir("$dir/$filename\.$patname\_png", 0777) unless (-d "$dir/$filename\.$patname\_png"); $pngdir = "$dir/$filename\.$patname\_png"; $pngdirexists=1; } ### &debug("#F# PS OUTPUT"); open(OUTF, "| $ghostvw -q -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=png256 -g400x600 -dBATCH -sOutputFile=$pngdir/$outfilename -"); show_seq(); show_connections(); show_bonds(); print OUTF "stroke\n showpage\n"; close(OUTF); } #################################################################################### sub show_seq { @nonbold=(0..$#x); $k=0; print OUTF "newpath\n /$fonttype\-Bold findfont $fontsize scalefont setfont\n"; for $index (@bold) { $xf=$x[$index]-0.6*$fontsize/2; $yf=$y[$index]-0.6*$fontsize/2; print OUTF "$xf $yf moveto\n ($seq[$index]) show\n"; splice @nonbold, $index-$k, 1; $k++; } print OUTF "newpath\n /$fonttype findfont $fontsize scalefont setfont\n"; for $index (@nonbold) { $xf=$x[$index]-0.6*$fontsize/2; $yf=$y[$index]-0.6*$fontsize/2; if (! defined $seq[$index]) { die "@seq\n@x\n"} print OUTF "$xf $yf moveto\n ($seq[$index]) show\n"; } } #################################################################################### sub show_connections { for my $i (0..($#x-1)) { $x1=$x[$i]; $y1=$y[$i]; $x2=$x[$i+1]; $y2=$y[$i+1]; line_bound('black', 0.25, 0.04); } } #################################################################################### sub show_bonds { $gam=0.2; for my $i (0..$#x) { if ($i<$pairof[$i]) { $curpair=$seq[$i].$seq[$pairof[$i]]; $x1=$x[$i]; $y1=$y[$i]; $x2=$x[$pairof[$i]]; $y2=$y[$pairof[$i]]; if (($curpair eq 'GU') || ($curpair eq 'UG')) {circle_bound('lightblue', $gam)} elsif (($curpair eq 'AU') || ($curpair eq 'UA')) {circle_bound('mediumblue', $gam)} elsif (($curpair eq 'GC') || ($curpair eq 'CG')){circle_bound('red', $gam)} else {diamond_bound('burgundy', $gam, 0.3)} } } } #################################################################################### sub line_bound { my @color=rgbcolor($_[0]); my $gamma=$_[1]; my $teta=$a*$_[2]; $xstart=$x1+($x2-$x1)*(1-$gamma)/2; $ystart=$y1+($y2-$y1)*(1-$gamma)/2; $xstop=$x2-($x2-$x1)*(1-$gamma)/2; $ystop=$y2-($y2-$y1)*(1-$gamma)/2; print OUTF "newpath\n @color setrgbcolor\n $teta setlinewidth\n $xstart $ystart moveto\n $xstop $ystop lineto\n stroke\n"; } #################################################################################### sub circle_bound { my @color=rgbcolor($_[0]); my $gamma=$_[1]; my $xc=($x1+$x2)/2; my $yc=($y1+$y2)/2; my $rc=$a*$gamma/2; print OUTF "newpath\n @color setrgbcolor\n $xc $yc $rc 0 360 arc\n fill\n stroke\n"; } #################################################################################### sub diamond_bound { my @color=rgbcolor($_[0]); my $gamma=$a*$_[1]/2; my $teta=$a*$_[2]/2; my $rotangle=atan2 ($y2-$y1, $x2-$x1); my $xc=($x1+$x2)/2; my $yc=($y1+$y2)/2; my $x_1=(-1)*sin($rotangle)*$teta+$xc; my $y_1=cos($rotangle)*$teta+$yc; my $x_2=cos($rotangle)*$gamma+$xc; my $y_2=sin($rotangle)*$gamma+$yc; my $x_3=sin($rotangle)*$teta+$xc; my $y_3=(-1)*cos($rotangle)*$teta+$yc; my $x_4=(-1)*cos($rotangle)*$gamma+$xc; my $y_4=(-1)*sin($rotangle)*$gamma+$yc; print OUTF "newpath\n @color setrgbcolor\n $x_1 $y_1 moveto $x_2 $y_2 lineto $x_3 $y_3 lineto $x_4 $y_4 lineto closepath\n fill\n stroke\n"; } #################################################################################### sub rgbcolor { my @rgb; if ($_[0] eq 'lightblue') { @rgb=qw(0.7 0.7 0.7) } elsif ($_[0] eq 'mediumblue') { @rgb=qw(0 0 0.9) } elsif ($_[0] eq 'darkblue') { @rgb=qw(0 0 0.2) } elsif ($_[0] eq 'burgundy') { @rgb=qw(0.5 0.1 0.1) } elsif ($_[0] eq 'black') { @rgb=qw(0.5 0.5 0.5) } elsif ($_[0] eq 'red') { @rgb=qw(0.9 0 0) } return @rgb; } } ############################################################################################### ################ End of imager2 ################ ############################################################################################### #################################################################### ## Unless -s, print SECIS elements found => $filename.secis ## #################################################################### sub secis_output { if ($v) { print "\n\n"; } open (HIT , ">$dir/$filename\.$patname\.secis")|| die "can't open $dir/$filename\.$patname\.secis: $!"; open (ENN,"$dir/$filename\.$patname\.en")|| die "can't open $dir/$filename\.$patname\.en: $!"; while () { unless (/^\W*$/o) { print HIT; } } close (HIT); close (ENN); } #################################################################### ## Set what will be sent to STDOUT ## #################################################################### sub standard_out { if ($output eq 'gff') { open (GFF, "<$dir/$filename\.$patname\.gff") || die "Cannot open $dir/$filename\.$patname\.gff: $!"; while () { print STDOUT; } close (GFF); if (($T)||($v)) { print SDTERR "\nSECIS Elements found: $totalhits\n"; } } elsif ($output eq 'fs') { open (ENN,"$dir/$filename\.$patname\.en")|| die "can't open $dir/$filename\.$patname\.en: $!"; while () { unless (/^\W*$/o) { print STDOUT; } } close (ENN); if (($T)||($v)) { print STDERR "\nSECIS Elements found: $totalhits\n"; } } } ################################################################# ## Remove energy param file created by a previous ## ## instance, if present ## ################################################################# sub unlink_en { unless ($en) { unlink("$dir/$filename\.$patname\.en"); } } #################################################################### ## Produce HTML if -H ## #################################################################### sub HTML_output { if ($H) { if (@name) { open (HTML, ">$dir/$filename\.$patname\.html") || die "can't open $dir/$filename\.$patname\.html: $!"; print HTML "SECISearch Results\n"; print HTML "

Total hits: $totalhits

"; print HTML ""; for (0..$#name) { $hn=$_+1; print HTML "
$hn $name[$_]: $start[$_] - $stop[$_] $comment[$_]
"; print HTML "Free Energy: $fullstructen[$_]

"; print HTML <<"STOPHERE"; @{$texta[$_]}[0..2] $texta[$_][3] $texta[$_][4] $texta[$_][5] @{$texta[$_]}[6..7] $texta[$_][8] @{$texta[$_]}[9..11]
"; } else { print HTML 'Sorry, no SECIS elements were found!
You may want to try another pattern'; } } } ################################################################### ## Create filename.hits when -t ## ################################################################### sub patscan_hits { copy("$dir/$filename\.$patname\.hit","$dir/$filename\.$patname\.hits"); } ################################################################### ## Create filename.gff when -g ## ################################################################### sub gff_output { if (($g) || ($output eq 'gff')) ### Necessary for the gff STDOUT output { my $frame = '.'; my $group = '.'; my $score; if($geneid) ## geneid needs a positive score, so the thrmo score is no good { $score = 1; } else { $score = $fullstructen; } my $realname = '.'; my $strand = '.'; open (GFF, ">>$dir/$filename\.$patname\.gff") || die "Cannot open $dir/$filename\.$patname\.gff: $!"; $name =~ />(.*)/; $realname = $1; if ($start>$stop){$strand = '-';} else {$strand = '+';} print GFF "$realname\tSECISearch\tSECIS\t$start\t$stop\t$score\t$strand\t$frame\n" if $strand eq '+'; print GFF "$realname\tSECISearch\tSECIS\t$stop\t$start\t$score\t$strand\t$frame\n" if $strand eq '-'; close (GFF); } } ################################################################# ### Debugging mode ### ################################################################# sub debug { if ($debug) { print STDERR "@_\n"; } } #################################################################### ## Clean up ## #################################################################### sub clean_up { unlink ("$dir/$filename\.$patname\.hit"); unlink("$dir/inseq.fa"); unless ($g) { unlink("$dir/$filename\.$patname\.gff"); } if ($log) { print LOG "SECIS Found : $totalhits\n\n######################################################################\n"; close(LOG); } rmdir($pngdir); ## remove png directory if empty } #################################################################### ## HEEEEELP!!!! ## #################################################################### sub usage() { if ($output ne 'fs' && $output ne 'gff' && $output != 0) { print STDOUT "\n*** The values for the -o option are 'fs' for fasta format and 'gff' for gff format.\nTry 'SECISearch -h' for more infomation.\n"; exit(); } if ($h) { print STDOUT <<"EOF"; DESCRIPTION: SECISearch uses patscan and RNAfold to scan nucleotide sequences for SECIS elements and evaluates them thermodynamically. By default, it prints the SECISes found to STDOUT in fasta format. If no pattern is specified by the -p option, SECISearch uses its own default pattern. It was originally developed as a web-based application by Gregory Kryukov and modified to its present form by Charles Chapple. USAGE: SECISearch [OPTIONS] -p [patscan pattern file] [FASTA input file] *** If '-p' is not given, the program uses a default pattern. *** If no filename is given, the program reads input from STDIN and expects it to be in fasta format OPTIONS: -c : Patscan searches complimentary strand -d : Debugging mode (very very very verbose) -e : Free energy cut-off value of the entire structure -t : Return ..hits -g : Create ..gff -G : Create gff in geneid format (score=1), use with -g or -o gff. -h : Display this message and exit -H : Produce HTML output -I : Do not return images -l : Print structures which did not pass the thermodynamic evaluation to the logfile. -o : Choice of STDOUT output format, can be 'fs' for fasta or 'gff' for GFF. The default output is fasta. -n : Return .en -p : Pattern file passed to scan_for_matches. If '-p' is not given, the standard pattern is used. Possible values are 's' for a standard pattern, 'n' for a non-standard pattern, and 't' for a "twilight zone" pattern. Any bareword value is assumed to be one of the patterns stored in the ~/share/SECISearch directory (or wherever else the patterns happen to be stored on your system). Any directory address will be assumed to be the location of a user defined pattern file. CAUTION: SECISearch will not warn you if you give a non-existant filename as a pattern, so check your pattern name before running. -P : Do not run patscan. (input file must be in the format of patscan's output) -R : Do not run RNAfold -s : Do not return ..secis -T : Print total number of SECIS found -v : Verbose output -x : Create the log file "secislog" SECIS Structural Feature Options (ON by default, use these options to turn the filters OFF): -B : Discards SECISes with at least 2 more unpaired nts on the 5' side than on the 3' side (visually bended to the left) -O : Discards SECISes with more than 2 consecutive, unpaired nts on any strand in the first 7nt after the quartet -Y : Discards Y-shaped SECISes -S : Discards structures with less than 8 pairs OUTPUT FILES: ..en : Each input sequence and its RNAfold constraints (-n flag) ..png : RNAfold output image beautified and in png format ..html : HTML format output (-H flag) ..hits : Fasta file of all the sequences which matched the pattern divided into units by patscan. ..secis : Fasta file of the SECIS elements found ..gff : GFF file of the SECISes found (-o gff) secislog : Logfile(!) The default output is ..secis and the .png files. The latter are placed in a directory called ._png. All other files are optional extras. EOF exit(); } } #################################################################################################### ####### END ######## #################################################################################################### #################################################################################################### # NOTES # # ####################################################################################################