Thanks …

To Charles Chapple
, our tutor.
For his guiding in this project, it was a difficult job! For the program. For always being there.

To Eduardo Eyras, Mar Albā, Pep Abril & Robert Castelo.
For their help & patience during the classes.

To Pascal Collberg. For your help, advice and experience. For your patience. For loosing your sleep to help us or give us your support. For your sweetness.

To Mauro Castells. To be there just in case, and for helping us in infinite moments.

To our collegues
: cat, tsunami-valls, bruixeta, charlie, holandesa, etc. etc. For the happiness, company, laughing, crying & stressing moments.

To our parents, for the psicologic support!

To flaix-bac, for his onnnnnlyyyyyyyyy hiiiiiiiiiits!

To Coca-Cola Company: ALWAYS FOREVER!

To the magnific internet server of the university
, the missing hard drive, the tree-server....

To the informatics grant holders for giving us their support.

To msn!!!!!

And obviously to us, for our patiente with the bitch computers.