================================================== file name: repeat.seq sequences: 1 total length: 500000 bp (500000 bp excl N-runs) GC level: 36.30 % bases masked: 200365 bp ( 40.07 %) ================================================== number of length percentage elements* occupied of sequence -------------------------------------------------- SINEs: 223 48204 bp 9.64 % ALUs 136 35299 bp 7.06 % MIRs 87 12905 bp 2.58 % LINEs: 157 85834 bp 17.17 % LINE1 76 64586 bp 12.92 % LINE2 76 20236 bp 4.05 % L3/CR1 5 1012 bp 0.20 % LTR elements: 63 43580 bp 8.72 % MaLRs 32 12165 bp 2.43 % ERVL 7 2331 bp 0.47 % ERV_classI 23 27994 bp 5.60 % ERV_classII 1 1090 bp 0.22 % DNA elements: 48 13869 bp 2.77 % MER1_type 21 4210 bp 0.84 % MER2_type 12 6240 bp 1.25 % Unclassified: 1 1563 bp 0.31 % Total interspersed repeats: 193050 bp 38.61 % Small RNA: 0 0 bp 0.00 % Satellites: 0 0 bp 0.00 % Simple repeats: 62 4238 bp 0.85 % Low complexity: 82 3096 bp 0.62 % ================================================== * most repeats fragmented by insertions or deletions have been counted as one element The sequence(s) were assumed to be of primate origin. RepeatMasker version 2002/07/13 , sensitive mode run with cross_match version 0.990329 RepBase / RepeatMasker database versions unknown