After the human genome sequenciation, it has become essencial to decode the huge amount of information it contains. Bioinformathics have played an important role to achieve that purpose. Without its technology it would have been impossible, or at least it would have taken much more time, to stablish the parameters and programs that help us doing "the hard work".The present study was designed to thoroughly analyse a genomic sequence, to be exact, the Homo sapiens 3 BAC RP11-758L3 complete sequence. The characterization of the sequence comprehends: a search of repeatitive elements, gene prediction and its validation, variability of the predicted genes, its protein product and an analisys of the aminoacidic sequence.
The begining of the study required to get the masked sequence to determine the sites where the repeats concentrate. These results are important to inform us about the kind of repeatitive elements our sequence contains, and if they could alter the information provided by the different programes we have used during the analysis. The gene prediction gives us the basis to start working on our sequence, although it is important to use more than one program in order to make the prediccions more reliable. However, even if the programs agree in their predictions, there are many other tools to compare, translate and validate the results. One of such possibilities are ESTs, mRNA from different kind of cells that can provide information to distingish what is transcripted from what is not.
Once an aproximate sequence of the gene, or some of its exons, is obtained, it can be used to find similarities with known proteins so as to determine if the protein coded by our supposed gene is already described. Anyway, in case we do not have a complete gene, we can get some clues which can lead us to the product protein.
It is essencial to remark that the objective of this job is not to describe the proteins our sequence codes for, but to make an exhaustive analysis of the complete sequence of the human BAC RP11-798L3.